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What's been happening


Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all well and are enjoying Spring now that it has eventually turned up.

Well I must start with an apology as it has been far too long since I last up-dated my website and blog life here has been pretty hectic and time has just flown by.

Thank you to all of you who sent me well wishes after my surgery I do appreciate your kind words and thoughts and I am now on the mend with only the occasional 'ouch' every now and then.

A BIG THANK YOU to all of you for visiting my web site, I have now had over FORTY THOUSAND  visitors - that's amazing, thank you!

So what's been happening I hear you ask.

Back in February you may remember that I was giving a couple of presentations to Girl Guide groups, well they sent me a large envelope filled with handmade thank-you cards and I've attached a photo of some of the magnificent cards that the girls made and sent to me.

As you can see they are works of art and I love them - Thank you girls!

March saw me out and about giving presentations all over the place and in April I was at the Edmonton branch of the Alberta Genealogical Society giving a presentation to one of their speciality groups.  I took time out after that for my surgery and at the start of this month (May) I was back out on the road giving presentations to various groups including the Women's faculty Club at the University of Alberta, I was honoured to be their speaker at their 80th Anniversary AGM; the ladies also invited me along for their dinner too and the food was wonderful!

This month I have also given presentation at a few nursing and care homes, including Capitol Care in Edmonton; what a lovely facility and wonderful staff.  The ladies and gentlemen that live there are wonderful too and I am glad that they enjoyed my presentation.  I shall be rounding off this month with a few more private presentations and also starting the next month off with a presentation in St Albert.

Remember that it is never too early to book a speciality presentation for Halloween, I've taken a few bookings already but I do have some dates and time left so contact me as soon as you can.  Also don't forget if you wish me to research a family name to see if you share a name with a prisoner either phone me, email me or fill out the contact form on this website and I shall get back to you as quickly as I can, normally within a week.

Until next time,

Take care,


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