My life at the Tower of London
My life at the Tower of London

On This Day in January
A selection of events either directly or indirectly connected with the Tower which have happened during the month of January

Queen Catherine of Aragon
7th January 1536, Queen Catherine of Aragon, King Henry VIII's 1st wife dies at the age of 50. http://www.historyonthenet.com/Tudors/catherine_aragon_timeline.htm
Queen Elizabeth I - monarch
15th January 1559 - Elizabeth I crowned queen of England in Westminster Abbey http://www.historytoday.com/al-rowse/coronation-queen-elizabeth

Earl Henry Howard - prisoner
19th January 1547 - Earl Henry Howard of Surrey executed for treason http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/henrybio.htm
Pope Clement VII
5th January 1531 - Pope Clemens VII forbids English king Henry VIII to re-marry http://www.theanneboleynfiles.com/pope-clement-vii-forbids-henry-viii-to-remarry-5-january-1531/

King Richard II - monarch
6th January 1367 - Richard II, Bordeaux, France, King of England http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/richard_ii_king.shtml
Robert Deveraux Earl of Essex - prisoner
7th January 1601 - Robert Deveraux Earl of Essex leads revolt in London against Queen Elizabeth http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/earl_of_essex_robert.shtml

The Rump Parliament
6th January 1649 - The Rump Parliament votes to put Charles I on trial for treason and other "high crimes" http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/rumpparliament.htm
King Charles I
10th January 1642 - King Charles I & family flee London for Oxford http://bcw-project.org/biography/charles-the-first

King Henry III and Eleanor of Provence
14th January 1236 - King Henry III marries Eleonora of Provence http://www.medievalqueens.com/queen-eleanor-of-provence.htm
Thomas Howard
16th January 1572 - Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk is tried for treason for his part in the Ridolfi plot to restore Catholicism in England. http://www.gunpowder-plot.org/ridolfi.asp

King Henry VII and Elizabeth of York
18th January 1486 - King Henry VII marries Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV http://www.britroyals.com/tudor.asp
Queen Katherine Howard
21st January 1542 - Parliament passes bill of attainder against Queen Katherine Howard http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/attainder.htm

Edward Seymour
22nd January 1552 - Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, beheaded for treason http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/edwardseymour.htm
King Edward III and Phillippa Henegouwen
24th January 1328 - King Edward III marries Philippa of Henegouwen http://www.heritage-history.com/www/heritage.php?Dir=characters&FileName=philippa.php