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Seasons Greetings!


Hi Everyone,

I must apologise for the time period, it has indeed been a very long time since I last wrote.

I have been busy with my book and giving presentations to various lovely groups all around Central Alberta but as Christmas approaches I am taking time out to just spend with my family, no book writing or giving presentations, just a time to be with my family.  I shall resume book writing and presentations in the New Year, you know where I am if you would like to book one.

I hope that this Christmas time is a pleasant and peaceful one for you all, the wonderful thing about this time of year is that you don't have to be anything special to enjoy it to it's fullest potential, Christmas is for all, regardless of whether you celebrate the day or not, there is something magical about this time of year, it is possibly because it is has the shortest day of the year and the longest night, and that once that has passed, the nights become shorter and the days longer and brighter, giving hope to all; or perhaps it is because we are at the end of the year and the prospect of a New Year brings with it endless possibilities of what may or may not happen, it gives us all hope, or it could be that this time of year we become children in our hearts once more, I know I for one still go outside on Christmas Eve, near midnight, and listen, just in case I hear those bells that let's us know that Father Christmas is on his way - silly - maybe, but I still hope.

I have checked my visitors log and once again I must say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all, over SIXTY ONE THOUSAND visitors to my website now - wow!  Truly a great way to end the year.

So until the New Year, I wish you all well, have a wonderful season of jolly and a safe, happy New Year!

Take care


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