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Thank you!


Hi Everyone,


Well first I'd like to say a BIG THANK YOU for everyone who has visited my website - I now have over NINE THOUSAND visitors!  WOW! and to think that my site has only been up and running since March 2013; it looks like I'm doing something right and that you are all enjoying it.


Speaking of enjoying things - a Big THANK YOU to all the residents of Caleb Retirement Home in Edmonton who came along to the presentation I gave on Saturday 24th August.  I'm told that you all enjoyed it, I asked how to now if the residents enjoyed it and was told, 'Well they stayed, they don't stay if they don't like something'; so thank you for staying and for the applause at the end.  It was a beautiful evening so I am really pleased that you decided to stay in and come and see the presentation.


I may be a little quiet over the next week or so as hubby and I are going to try and get away again, we tried at the beginning of the month and had to cancel at the last minute, so fingers crossed this time we get to go.


I hope that those across the pond (UK) enjoyed their recent Bank Holiday (today I think) and that those of us this side of the pond (North America) enjoy the up-coming long weekend (Labour Day).


Oh before I forget, I think I told you that I'm now a member of Stony Plain Chamber of Commerce and also a member of St Albert Chamber of Commerce, well on Saturday just passed (24th August) the St Albert Chamber of Commerce ran an advertisement in the local St Albert Gazette highlighting the new members, and yes I was one of them, so if you get a chance have a look at the St Albert Gazette web site and check out the advertisement.


Until next time,


Take care



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