Hi Everyone,
I hope you have all had a great long weekend and that the school year has started off well; what fabulous weather we are having here in Alberta - it's just perfect!
A BIG THANK YOU to all who have visited my website so far, my visitor count is up to TWELVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED and rising - WOW!
I met some wonderful people at the St Albert Chamber of Commerce lunch the other day and I', looking forward to meeting more wonderful people at the Stony Plain Chamber of Commerce lunch this week.
Well diary dates are filling up fast for the Halloween season, I do have a few dates left if you would like something a little different for Halloween this year, and if you are unable to get to one of the private upcoming presentations then I will be at St Albert library on Monday 28th October at 7.30pm for the 9-13yr olds, and at the same time and same place on Wednesday 30th October for the adults; the presentations will be all about prisoners, torture, executions and ghosts at the Tower - I look forward to seeing you there.
Until next time,
Take care